Scientific Inquiry

Learning Goals: Scientific Inquiry

1. Develop a scientific investigation with a testable question and hypothesis.

 2. Conduct a scientific investigation with appropriate tools.

3. Make qualitative & quantitative observations.

4. Evaluate and analyze results from scientific investigations.

5. Communicate results from scientific investigations using graphs, data tables, and drawings, etc.

Scientific Method Notes 

Scientific Method Notes.pdf Scientific Method Notes.pdf
Size : 113.493 Kb
Type : pdf
Sci Method Practice.pdf Sci Method Practice.pdf
Size : 41.764 Kb
Type : pdf

Intro. to Science & the Scientific Method

Prezi Presentation

Learning Goals:  Science, Technology & Human Activities

1. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of technology on society.

2. Describe contributions of scientists and inventors on society and the difficulties faced.

Can an egg float Sci Method wksht.pdf Can an egg float Sci Method wksht.pdf
Size : 735.037 Kb
Type : pdf
Bush Bean Sci Method wksht.pdf Bush Bean Sci Method wksht.pdf
Size : 2416.405 Kb
Type : pdf
Lab Sheet.docx Lab Sheet.docx
Size : 13.528 Kb
Type : docx
Forming Hypotheses wksht.pdf Forming Hypotheses wksht.pdf
Size : 610.633 Kb
Type : pdf
Identifying Variables wksht.pdf Identifying Variables wksht.pdf
Size : 745.35 Kb
Type : pdf
Making Observations wksht.pdf Making Observations wksht.pdf
Size : 652.466 Kb
Type : pdf
Making Inferences wksht.pdf Making Inferences wksht.pdf
Size : 485.119 Kb
Type : pdf

Scientific Inquiry Websites

 Brain Pop

Scientific Method


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